Saturday, April 30, 2005

First look at Yahoo! 360

First look at Yahoo! 360

The first thing I've been able to find on Yahoo! 360... it is a more general social networking site, but it they are beginning to leverage their Lauchcast Radio service into it.

From Charlene Li (Forrester):

The profile page contains the usual features from social networking sites friends, profile, lists of things you like to do, where you work/went to school, and groups that you belong to on Yahoo! Groups. But it also excerpts content you've created that you want to share with your network. This includes not only a blog, but also photos from Yahoo! photos, reviews created on Yahoo! Local, and LAUNCHcast Stations. Its similar to what MSN Spaces has, where users can add content from MSN Photos and MSN Music (Click here to see more on MSN Spaces.)

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