Friday, December 15, 2006

Buddy Feed + 30 Boxes = Timeline

Not sure who has seen this yet, but if you populate your AIM buddy feed with enough inputs, then dump it into 30 Boxes (, you can get a pretty nice timeline of your day.

For those that haven't used AIM's Buddy Update feature yet, I recommend it. It's basically a feed splicer (mine includes my Just Played, Flickr, Blogger posts, YouTube and Delicious). When you update something, your buddies (that use AIM 6.0) will see an "i" icon light up next your name in the buddy list. By clicking it, they will see all of your updates.

Just check out the "View Timeline" badge towards the bottom of the sidebar.

The other one to try is, although I've had trouble getting that to embed properly on Blogger.

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