Thursday, January 08, 2009

What the Hell Have I Been Up To?!

So, one of my last posts a month or so ago was... "I'm going to start blogging again". Well, it turns out I lied. After my time at Strands (formerly MyStrands), I thought I was going to take a few weeks off and catch my breath. But as supreme luck (and perhaps good karma) would have it, my dream gig landed landed in my lap about 24 hours into my psuedo-retirement. There has been a fair amount of speculation about what this new company is up to... some right, some wrong, but all compelling enough that I jumped at the chance to be part of it.

So, I quickly cranked through the extensive "honey do" list I had been assigned (involved lots of painting and fixing of stuff) and got back to work. And what a busy 6 weeks it has been so far. Those that follow me on Twitter (@jherskowitz) have probably seen me talking about numerous all-nighters as we've been hurtling towards unveiling ourselves to the public.

Drumroll please..... because here is. MY NEW PLAYLIST IS FINALLY DONE! :-P

Yes, that is what I believe those in the marketing world call a "tease". More info to come on what (and who) is behind all that made my new playlist possible soon. In the meantime, just enjoy some free and legal music above. There are some new albums that I've been really digging lately too, and I'll be posting more in the coming days/weeks. Enjoy.

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Jim said...

Enjoying the playlist. Color me teased!

Unknown said...

Very cool. Now get back to work...

Dan Kantor said...

interesting :)

Petey said...

"the extensive "honey do" list I had been assigned (involved lots of painting and fixing of stuff)"

is this a reference to the painter and handy-man you had to call that one afternoon?

Ha ha! Just kidding, I saw that patch-work you did. Better than I could do, but don't quit the day job!

Enjoying the play list, but how 'bout some Cat Power in preparation for the show (tickets came in the mail today!)